Activating the Hidden Folders feature

All important system files and directories in Windows 10 are invisible by default - they do not appear in Explorer. This was done primarily for security, so that users do not accidentally delete data necessary for the correct operation of the system. However, sometimes in

It's worth updating Windows 10

Hello! I work as a private operator. Lately, I've been increasingly asked to explain whether it's worth upgrading to Windows 10? I will say this: I will be glad if you all switch to the new version - you will call me much more often and I will earn more money

Windows 10 startup sound

Versions of Windows 7 and higher allow you to completely customize your computer individually for the user. You can adjust such things as the password request at login, the font size, the appearance of folders and the sound of each action. I'm answering for the last one

Windows system files and folders

File history in Windows 10 File history is a data backup mechanism that appeared in Windows 8. Unlike classic backup systems, file history is a rather highly specialized thing. With her help