How to change the time on an iPad 4. How to change the date on an iPhone? "Step-by-step instruction. In what cases do we encounter a similar problem?

Something as simple as setting the time and date on an iPad shouldn't be difficult, but some users still get confused and can't set the correct date. Therefore, in this article we will consider this issue in as much detail as possible.

Important Note: Apple devices with 64-bit processors have a bug that allows you to turn the gadget into a brick by changing the date. This occurs when the date is set to January 1, 1970. However, it is impossible to restore such a device yourself; you need to contact a service center. Therefore, do not set this date under any circumstances.

So, in order to set or change the time and date on the iPad, you need to go to the Settings application and select the “Basic” section there.

And than go to the “Date and time” subsection. This subsection is located towards the end of the list with basic settings, next to the keyboard, language and region settings.

After this, the date and time settings will appear in front of you. By default, automatic time detection is enabled here. If you want to manually set or change the time used on the iPad, then automatic detection must be turned off.

After turning off automatic detection of time and date, a line with the current date and time will appear at the bottom. To change the date and time simply click on this line and select the desired values.

You can also change the time zone in the “Date and Time” settings section. For this you need to click on the current time zone.

And in the window that appears, select another one.

To find the required time zone, you can use the search.

Hensei era or 2559

In some cases, users are unable to set the correct date because their iPad is using the Japanese or Buddhist calendar. If in the “Date and Time” section you have the “Hensei Era” indicated, then this is the Japanese calendar, if the year is 2559 or something like that, then it is the Buddhist one.

To fix this problem you need to open the iPad Settings and go to the “General – Language and Region – Calendar” section. In this settings section, three calendars will be available: Gregorian, Japanese and Buddhist. For that to return to normal dates just select Gregorian calendar.

After which you can return to the settings section “General - Date and Time” and set the correct date and time there.

Nowadays, a considerable number of people have become owners of devices running the iOS operating system. This OS is installed on devices manufactured by the famous American company Apple. An important role was played by optimized software aimed directly at potential device owners. Thus, engineers and programmers simplified it as much as possible. But even so, there are still people who do not know how to change the time on an iPad. Today we will talk about this.

In what cases do we encounter a similar problem?

It should be noted that the question of how to change the time on an iPad is only a special case of the situation under consideration. In other words, sooner or later, owners of absolutely all tablet computers will face this problem. Nevertheless, the question of how to change the time on an iPad is especially often asked by lovers of outdoor activities and travel. This is primarily due to changes in time zones, as well as the translation of hands. Often the question of how to change the time on an iPad is asked even after the operating system software fails. Actually, there is nothing super complicated in the process of changing time. However, there are certain nuances here, and you need to be aware of them in order to avoid incorrect results of the operation.

How to change the time on iPad? Installing correctly

This tablet has a built-in help service in case the user absolutely does not understand what and how to do to use the device. Nevertheless, setting the correct time is not so difficult, and using references for this is something out of the realm of fantasy. So, first you should press the button called “Home”. This will take you to your desktop. From there we go to the main engineering menu. In it you need to pay attention to the item called “Settings”.

What to do next?

Next, we will need a tab that the engineers called “General”. In fact, it contains tools that allow you to manipulate the date, as well as time. To start the operation, press with a short tap on the clock. After this, a new window should open. You will notice a special menu there. It will offer to scroll through the minutes along with the hours to set the indicators we need. If the date does not correspond to the actual one, then you can change it in the same way. Actually, after the change, all that remains is to save the values ​​​​previously set by the user. To do this, you can touch the screen anywhere where there is no setup menu. And to cancel changes, you can use the right key of the device.

Setting additional settings

You can always activate some additional settings to make working with the device a little more convenient. Note that this also includes changing the date and time display format. For example, residents of the United States of America, as well as countries of the European Union, use a twelve-hour clock. You can also activate it using a menu containing additional date and time settings. Typically, this function is used by people who often travel abroad. Special icons will show the countdown: either before noon or after noon. To avoid making mistakes in the parameters, you can instruct the system to determine the time automatically. To do this, you just need to go to the corresponding item in the device’s engineering menu and activate the function. After this, there will be no need to constantly worry about changing time zones.

Tablet owners are often faced with the question of how to change the time on an iPad. It occurs when traveling frequently, updating the operating system, or when changing the clock hands, which is common in some CIS countries. The process is extremely simple, but must be taken into account to avoid mistakes in the future. Let's consider the process of working with the clock of an electronic device.

Setting the time on your iPad shouldn't be much of a problem.

Finding out how to change the time on an iPad is extremely simple - the built-in help service created by the manufacturer will help you with this. However, any user who has been familiar with the tablet for several days... By pressing the “Home” key, you need to go to the main menu of your mobile device and find the “Settings” item in it. Here you will need the “General” tab, which will contain date and time management tools.

With one short press, select the clock - a new window will open, which will display a rotary menu that offers you to scroll through the hours and minutes to set the exact time. The same should be done with the date if it is not current. To save the set values, simply click on any point outside the time setting menu. You can cancel changes by using the right key.

Additional settings

Once you learn how to change the time on your iPad, you'll also be able to take advantage of additional menu options. Residents of Europe, the USA and many other countries of the world use a 12-hour format for displaying the current time, highlighting the intervals before and after lunch. When traveling through such countries, most people want their tablet to also use the appropriate format. , just click on the appropriate slider that switches the modes between 12-hour and 24-hour.

Those who want to know how to change the time on the iPad will appreciate the ability to automatically set the time zone. The function is turned on with a similar slider and receives information from the global network, providing maximum convenience for the user. If it is not possible to determine the time automatically or you want to use a specific time zone when communicating with a person from another country, you can simply set the desired value in the menu below. The advantage is the ability to manually select a specific zone or even a specific city, for which the time value will be set by the tablet itself.

Common Problems

People who know how to set the time on their iPad often disable the automatic time zone detection feature because it may not work correctly. There are often cases when she independently changes the time, confusing the owner of the tablet. Also, automatic detection reacts slowly to real time zone changes, as a result of which the device “forgets” to move the clock hands when the desired date arrives. This is why the function is disabled - sometimes it is much more convenient to control the time display manually.

Users who ask how to change the time on an iPad often also want to know why it is displayed incorrectly in other programs, such as WhatsApp. The reason should be sought not in the settings of the tablet itself, but in failures caused by applications. Most often, re-setting it or configuring it after resetting the main parameters of the tablet helps. If the problem occurs again, all that remains is to contact the developer’s technical support service. Some applications use automatic synchronization with a specific time setting server: to understand where the failure is coming from, just go to their settings and find the corresponding item.

Nowadays, a considerable number of people have become owners of devices running the iOS operating system. This OS is installed on devices manufactured by the famous American company Apple. An important role was played by optimized software aimed directly at potential device owners. Thus, engineers and programmers simplified it as much as possible. But even so, there are still people who do not know how to change the time on an iPad. Today we will talk about this.

In what cases do we encounter a similar problem?

It should be noted that the question of how to change the time on an iPad is only a special case of the situation under consideration. In other words, sooner or later, owners of absolutely all tablet computers will face this problem. Nevertheless, the question of how to change the time on an iPad is especially often asked by lovers of outdoor activities and travel. This is primarily due to changes in time zones, as well as the translation of hands. Often the question of how to change the time on an iPad is asked even after the operating system software fails. Actually, there is nothing super complicated in the process of changing time. However, there are certain nuances here, and you need to be aware of them in order to avoid incorrect results of the operation.

How to change the time on iPad? Installing correctly

This tablet has a built-in help service in case the user absolutely does not understand what and how to do to use the device. Nevertheless, setting the correct time is not so difficult, and using references for this is something out of the realm of fantasy. So, first you should press the button called “Home”. This will take you to your desktop. From there we go to the main engineering menu. In it you need to pay attention to the item called “Settings”.

What to do next?

Next, we will need a tab that the engineers called “General”. In fact, it contains tools that allow you to manipulate the date, as well as time. To start the operation, press with a short tap on the clock. After this, a new window should open. You will notice a special menu there. It will offer to scroll through the minutes along with the hours to set the indicators we need. If the date does not correspond to the actual one, then you can change it in the same way. Actually, after the change, all that remains is to save the values ​​​​previously set by the user. To do this, you can touch the screen anywhere where there is no setup menu. And to cancel changes, you can use the right key of the device.

Setting additional settings

You can always activate some additional settings to make working with the device a little more convenient. Note that this also includes changing the date and time display format. For example, residents of the United States of America, as well as countries of the European Union, use a twelve-hour clock. You can also activate it using a menu containing additional date and time settings. Typically, this function is used by people who often travel abroad. Special icons will show the countdown: either before noon or after noon. To avoid making mistakes in the parameters, you can instruct the system to determine the time automatically. To do this, you just need to go to the corresponding item in the device’s engineering menu and activate the function. After this, there will be no need to constantly worry about changing time zones.

Hello! It would seem that how to change the date in the iOS system is the most basic question, but it can still cause difficulties. And it’s not about some “hidden” settings, secret configurations, menu intricacies, etc. Everything is much simpler. When the date and time are set automatically, and quite accurately (synchronizing with a special server on the Internet), so a rare user even thinks about it. Why change anything if everything is already working great?

However, in some situations (a striking example of which may be) it becomes necessary to change the date on the iPad or iPhone manually. How to do it? Keep detailed instructions!

Important!!! On devices with a 64-bit processor (iPhone 5S and higher), you CANNOT SETTLE the date to January 1, 1970. Get a brick. it will be impossible, even .

Note! At the end of the article we look at some problems that may arise, as well as ways to solve them. Don't go anywhere :)

Go! We arm ourselves with a tablet, phone or player and go to the basic settings of the gadget. By the way, if the device menu is in an unfamiliar language – .

In the “main” settings, look for the basic item.

Scrolling down the screen we see exactly what we were looking for.

We click, after this the menu for adjusting the date in iOS opens to us, here you can not only change it, but also... let's see what else can be done.

  1. 24 hour format. America uses a 12 hour time format - before noon and after noon. If the usual and familiar 21, 22, 23 hours are closer to you, turn on this switch.
  2. Automatically. By turning on this mode, we leave everything to the system. She will set the time zone, today's date, time independently (reading data from the Internet, geolocation, SIM card).
  3. Time zone – select the place where you are now.
  4. The last line is to indicate the date and time; by clicking on it, we manually set this data.

If you don’t have the last two lines, it means the automatic mode is turned on (see point 2) and you need to turn it off.

A few important notes.

  • You can’t scroll through the years right away - only by day, so it will take quite a long time to turn the time back 20 years.
  • The “Automatic” mode sets the data correctly, in any case, I have never had any problems.
  • If during installation you are unable to set the correct date, then most likely the problem is that the Japanese or Buddhist calendar is activated on your iPhone or iPad. It needs to be changed to Gregorian. In the main settings - language and text - calendar. The pictures below are examples of such disgrace :)

By the way, on my iPhone, the clock is constantly in a hurry, every month by about 1 minute. I wonder if this is only on my copy? Have you noticed anything like this in yourself?