Odnoklassniki - social network: registering a new user using login and password: registration rules. How to go to the main page on Odnoklassniki and register for the first time and again: login. How to fill out a registration form for Odnoklassnika

Good day to everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Please tell me how many of you use social networks? "Classmates"? I’m just more used to contact in this regard and rarely write about anything else. So for one project I needed 5 accounts from this social network, but I only have one. Where can I get them? And the question is even different: where can I get so many phone numbers?

So today I just want to tell you how to register with Odnoklassniki without a phone and without any problems. In principle, the whole process consists of the same steps as, you just need to choose Odnoklassniki accordingly.

But, in order not to be full in one way (using sms-area), I will show you another method. Otherwise, you never know what could happen. Well, if you're ready, then let's go!


Here is another cool service for renting virtual numbers, thanks to which you can register on various social networks and more.

Purchasing accounts

But among other things, you can protect yourself from such a routine as registering and filling out a profile. To do this, you can order the creation of an account in the same service.

To do this, you will need to click on the tablet icon. In the window that opens, you will need to select the social network itself, the desired number of created accounts, and you can also specify additional parameters that will be taken into account during registration, namely gender, age, city.

But it’s true that you can’t order just one account. When ordering there must be at least ten of them. And they naturally cost more (about twice as much) than manual registration, that is, renting a virtual number. But this service greatly saves your time.

Today you learned another service for issuing a virtual number. Please tell me which one did you like better? SMS-reg or SMS-area? Or maybe you have your own favorite service. Please write in the comments.

Friends. I just beg you, don’t use additional accounts for annoying spam. I myself don’t like it when such leftist accounts send me messages about earnings, sex and other things that are in demand on the Internet.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

It has become almost impossible to register on certain sites and especially social networks without a phone number. But there are certain reasons when entering a phone number is undesirable. However, people faced with such a problem found an excellent solution - a virtual number. There are many sites on the Internet that provide the opportunity to obtain a virtual phone number, to which the coveted SMS confirmation of registration on the Odnoklassniki website will be sent.

Where can I purchase a virtual number to register with Odnoklassniki?

Services providing virtual number service:

It would be best to use the domestic service SMS-REG.COM. We will show you how to register in Odnoklassniki without a mobile phone number using the example of SMS-REG.COM.

Registering a virtual number to register with Odnoklassniki

If you want to register with Odnoklassniki without confirming your phone number, follow the following steps:

  • Go to one of the virtual number services. We will use the services of SMS-REG.COM.
  • Register on the site. To register, you will only need to provide your login, password and your mailbox. When registering on Odnoklassniki, you should receive a confirmation code in your mailbox.
  • After registering on the site, go to your mailbox and activate your account on SMS-REG.COM. Usually the activation code arrives within 10 minutes. In case there is no code in your incoming messages, check the “Spam” section.
  • After completing registration, activate on the site. Select the “SMS” section, you will see it in the top left (big green button).
  • Select the service for which you need a number, country (optional) and click on the “Get number” button.
  • The service is not free. Purchasing a number for registration on Odnoklassniki costs 5 rubles. To pay for the service, you need to top up your account on the site using any virtual wallet.
  • After you have purchased a virtual number, you can register on Odnoklassniki. On the SMS-REG.COM service, opposite the virtual phone number, after 5-10 minutes you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code, which you need to enter on the social network to complete the registration procedure.

Thus, you can register on Odnoklassniki without any difficulty. This registration will only take you a couple of minutes.

There is a big disadvantage to such registration. Without indicating your real number, your profile remains unprotected from hacking. But you can protect yourself if you assign your email to your profile in OK. In case of hacking or loss of information, you can contact the site administration using your mailbox.

How to register in Odnoklassniki without a phone number? The question is relevant, it is often asked by various users. What options exist today for newcomers to the social network?

  • You can create lists of friends.
  • Chat on the site.
  • Watch videos.
  • Listen to music.
  • Visit different communities.
  • Take advantage of additional features.

OK is a large social network. Now she is in second place in this category in the CIS. The advantage is the convenience and functionality of the portal. But before you start using it, you will need to register. How is this procedure carried out and is it possible to carry it out without a number?

Registration in Odnoklassniki without a phone number is free

Why might users need to register without a phone?

  1. There are no free SIM cards to perform the binding.
  2. I don't want to go through additional confirmation.
  3. There is no desire to provide personal information.
  4. You need to complete the procedure quickly.

Registration in Odnoklassniki without a phone number is available right now for free in a limited number of cases. It is not a fact that you will be able to carry out this procedure. So we advise you to already prepare your smartphone as an alternative option.

What are the options in 2017?

We answer right away - there is no registration in OK through email, you don’t have to look for a special box on the website and waste time. Methods are limited:

  1. Through SMS registration services, of course, it is not free.
  2. Using a Google account.

Services – there are more disadvantages than advantages

Nowadays there are services on the Internet for registering and receiving codes. Virtual numbers are used, a message is sent to them, and the person receives the treasured data.

This method seems like the perfect solution. But this is until we understand the shortcomings:

  1. The service is paid. The amount for accepting one code is small - about five rubles.
  2. You will not be sure of safety.
  3. Right now you can give access to the page to scammers.

Considering that the code is sent to a virtual number, there is no confidence in the further security of the page. Anyone can gain access to it; all they need to do is retrieve the data from the database and hack it.

The person does not have access to the phone number to register. Therefore, the parameters cannot be changed in the future or recovery can be carried out if hacked. The owner risks losing the page completely.

Therefore, using registration services is highly not recommended. If you carry out this procedure, you do everything at your own peril and risk. There is no guarantee that the page will remain under the control of the owner in the future and will not be hacked.

How to register with OK without a phone number - a safe way

How to use this method:

You should not use account registration services. Although portals cope with their tasks, you are at great risk and may lose access to the page. It's better to forget about this method.

It is better to go through the process using a Google account. The procedure is simple, just click on the icon and the profile is created. All that remains is to modify it a little and you can use the page. This option is completely free and does not pose any additional danger.

Today Odnoklassniki is one of the three most popular social networks in Russia (after VKontakte and Facebook). This service helps not only to find old friends and communicate with people on the other side of the globe, but also to learn about various world news and spend leisure time. For many of us, social networks are gradually becoming an integral part of life, where we share thoughts, ideas, promote ourselves or the products we produce. Let's look at an example of how to register with Odnoklassniki without a phone number.

So, go to the main page of ok.ru and select the “Registration” tab. You are asked to enter initial information about yourself - country and phone number. Unfortunately, today's site policy (and most resources) does not provide for registration using other data.

What to do if you don’t have a free SIM card or you simply don’t want to enter such data on sites? Don't worry, there are a few workarounds that we'll look at now.

Where can I get a phone number?

  1. Online services.
  2. Ask your acquaintances/friends.

Virtual services

These are sites that provide users with virtual mobile numbers under different conditions. Almost all such services in Russia are paid. For example, onlinesim.com asks for 8 rubles for receiving SMS from classmates.

Fortunately, there are foreign resources. There are also many, but I will give a quick overview of three to help you decide.


A good service that gives a free demo version with 4 dollars in your account. When registering, you need to select a region (in Russia, unfortunately, the free version does not work). During registration, you are asked to enter your current mobile number, and then your bank card information in order to pay for the service in the future. This function can be canceled immediately after receiving the SMS. How suitable this policy is for you is to decide for yourself.


The main advantage is that you can use SMS functionality for free as part of a trial account. The downside of this service is that you still need to confirm registration with a code from an SMS sent to your real number. If there is such an opportunity, then there are no more obstacles to using the service.

In the future, you will need to select the “Get your phone number” option and use the number.


And the last option is an excellent resource that provides toll-free numbers, and “in return” shows you advertising. The only negative is that it does not always allow you to register with an IP address of CIS countries. So there are 2 options - try your luck or change the IP settings.

Another advantage is that you can activate the service through your Facebook account.

Quick registration in Odnoklassniki.

Odnoklassniki - social network: registering a new user using login and password: registration rules

An experienced user has no problems registering on the pages of various social networks. They don't need to search for this kind of information. We have collected detailed instructions and tips for novice users who cannot independently register on one of the most visited pages on the Internet.

The number of mature people predominates among regular users of this social network. Young people register on several resources at once, which is why young people have more experience in filling out the registration form.

The number of mature people prevails among regular users of the social network Odnoklassniki

Let's take a closer look at the registration process on Odnoklassniki:

  • Open the official resource page: https://www.ok.ru. If you type the name of the old domain (it looks like this odnoklassniki.ru), you will still get to the page you need. The short domain name is written like this: ok.ru.
  • A page for logging into the resource will open in front of us. Now we need to click the “Register” button.
  • In the window that opens, two fields will appear for filling in data. Let's start from the top: we need to select from the drop-down list the Country in which you live and are currently located. We move on to the bottom field, where we are required to indicate a valid mobile phone number. After entering the number, click on the “Next” button.
  • We are waiting for a message with a code (it will be sent to the phone number you specified within a few minutes). Enter the numbers of the received code in the “Code from SMS” line. To move on to the next step, click the “Next” button.
  • We come up with a complex password (be sure to write down the password and login in a notepad or notebook, and do not use Microsoft Word for this, so that dishonest people cannot use the data). The password must consist of 6 or more characters. Don't choose only letters or only numbers.
  • Choose complex combinations so that the page is not hacked in the future. Enter the password in the “Create a password” line. If you typed a password that is too simple, the system itself will notify you about this using a pop-up field. if the password is complex, you will see the message “Good password”. In a word, try to achieve this inscription.

How to register in Odnoklassniki

If you indicated your own phone number when registering, then your login is your mobile number. When you enter the phone number of someone you know (for example, brother, sister, father), you will have to come up with a login. Otherwise, if you need to make changes to your user profile, or when changing your password, you will not be able to receive an SMS with a confirmation code. This means that you will not be able to fix the problem on your Odnoklassniki page.

Create a login or use the email address to which your Odnoklassniki page account will be linked. It is more convenient to use an email address as a login, since you can restore your account in the future only through a mobile phone number. But he may not be near you, or, for example, you will forget him at work.

It is more convenient to use an email address as a login, since you can restore your account in the future only through a mobile phone number

A few important points regarding creating a password and login:

  • By specifying an email address instead of a login during registration, you will be able to log in to the resource page with two logins at once. You can appreciate the convenience of this registration method if you accidentally forget one of your logins or make an error when entering.
  • Why is it so important to come up with a complex password? Now there are many attackers who steal accounts. There are even freely available articles on how to hack an account. What is it for? To send spam from an opened account or encourage people to transfer money to a bank card number. This is how the resource “pays” for its popularity among users.

The password must consist of letters of different case, numbers and other symbols
  • It is not recommended to use simple passwords. What password will be considered complex? The minimum number of characters must be 10-12. The password must consist of letters of different case, numbers and other symbols. In order not to rack your brains for a long time over composing a password, type any Russian word, turning on the English layout.
  • Complicate the password with several numbers inside, in the middle, and add other characters. But you will need to remember this password. otherwise, you may have to request a password recovery. The best way to remember a complex password is to write it down on a piece of paper.

If you don't have time to study detailed instructions, then watch the video.

Video: Registration for Odnoklassniki ru

How to go to the main page on Odnoklassniki and register for the first time using your phone number: login, instructions

But what to do if the page in Odnoklassniki does not open? For example, you enter a password and login, and the system displays an error: a pop-up window indicates an error when entering the password or login.

How to go to the main page on Odnoklassniki and register for the first time using your phone number.

In this case, there are two options to enter the page:

  • by recovering your password (click on the “Forgot your password” button and follow further instructions)
  • if the page cannot be accessed, and the system displays the message “I have not registered yet,” then we will proceed in another way: in order for the page to become accessible, we go through registration from the very beginning, entering all the necessary information and filling out the form

Video: Odnoklassniki - How to restore Odnoklassniki and change the password

How to correctly fill out the registration form for Odnoklassniki?

  • The password and login are written down in a notepad and entered in the fields provided for this. Click on the “Next” button. Now we have to fill out a short questionnaire.
  • Enter your first and last name in the first two lines. Select your birthday date from the drop-down list. We indicate the gender. To do this, simply click on the desired button. Save by clicking on the corresponding button at the very bottom of the window.
  • So that friends from childhood, youth, student years, work colleagues and just acquaintances can quickly find you on a social network page, be sure to select a photo. Click on your avatar and add the desired photo.
  • Sometimes users simply select an attractive image and upload it. You can do the same, but don’t be surprised later if the page with the eccentric character is ignored and your friends are in no hurry to add you as a friend.
  • If you do not enter your mobile number during registration, you will not be able to fully use the site (for example, your friends’ pages will not be available). There is no need to be afraid of money being debited from your phone account.
  • Linking a number officially registered to the user is necessary to protect him as much as possible from account theft. After receiving a new password on your phone, the page will be completely restored.

After receiving a new password on your phone, the page will be completely restored
  • The registration process is completed by clicking on the “Register” button, but you need to complete a few more steps to activate your profile. Open your email account and confirm registration. The fact that all actions were completed correctly is indicated by the appearance on the page of a window with the inscription “Thank you!”
  • Now you can do the fun part: fill in the appropriate fields with information about yourself. If you decide to change the information about yourself that was previously entered into the registration form (first and last name, place of residence), you can easily do this by changing your account settings. To do this, look for the “Settings” tab and click the “Change settings” button. Next, you need to click in the field in which you want to change and enter new data.
  • In order to fill out information about the educational institutions where you studied, your place of work, or your military unit, you need to click on the “Tell me where you studied” tab. It is located in the settings menu. From the pop-up list, select the desired name and click in the box and check the box.

Registration in Odnoklassniki without a phone number

Despite the fact that the system requests a phone number, the user can register with Odnoklassniki without entering this data in the appropriate field. After all, if you have registered several pages on this resource, then a moment will inevitably come when all the phone numbers registered to you will have already been used. How to go through this important registration stage? Watch the video.

Video: How to register with Odnoklassniki without a phone number?

Video: how to create a page on Odnoklassniki without a phone number?

Registration in Odnoklassniki via email: instructions

When registering on the resource, you must provide an email address. You need to indicate the email address to which you have access. From the video below you will learn how to register on Odnoklassniki via Google mail.

Video: creating a page in OK via Google mail without a phone number

Video: Creating Google mail and a page in Odnoklassniki

Is registration on Odnoklassniki paid?

  • More recently, users of the social network paid for account activation on Odnoklassniki. The cost of a paid message was 30 rubles.
  • Now paid registration on Odnoklassniki remains only in the memory of those who registered after October 25, 2008. As compensation, these users were given the opportunity to use one of the paid services of the service for free.

How to create a page on Odnoklassniki again, again: registering a new profile

If you decide not to stop after creating one page on Odnoklassniki (this happens if, for example, a husband or sister uses the same computer and they expressed a desire to create their own account on the resource), then the solution is to create an additional page.

Instructions for creating a new profile in Odnoklassniki:

  • We look for the “Exit” button in the right corner at the top of the page and leave the page.
  • We go back to the Odnoklassniki resource and follow the registration tips outlined above.
  • You can also register through another Internet browser.
    When creating a new profile, the previously entered phone number and email address are not used. If you ignore this point, you will not be able to open your first page.

Video: How to open several pages in one browser to work in OK?