VK (VKontakte) - Runet social network, registration, login to Contact and account setup. “My page” VKontakte login without password

It can be difficult to find a site that you have visited before, including VKontakte. For example, if you always accessed it from your home computer, where it is set as the start (home) page, added to “Favorites” or is somehow in its usual place, then when you find yourself visiting, on vacation - in short, on another computer - you might get confused. How to go to the main page of VKontakte?

There is a way out, and it’s very simple! More precisely, the entrance.. Try it right now:

By setting the site as your start page and starting to log in from it, you can see whether there are new messages on VKontakte, which of your friends are online, who put a heart, wrote on your wall - and all this before you enter the site. At the same time, you remain invisible, you are not visible online. Everything is arranged very conveniently:

To log in, simply click on the “VKontakte” rectangle anywhere. If you click on the word “Messages”, you will immediately go to messages, and other links will take you to the corresponding event - for example, to a post on a wall or to a comment. In the same way, you can connect other sites - social networks, mail, and after that you can always see information from them on your start page, enjoy life, stay in touch with friends and save time.

General view of your future start page for easy entry:

What to do if you can’t log into Contact?

One of these articles will help you if you are faced with a problem logging into Contact. Choose what best suits your case:

Your password and security

More information about the social network Vkontakte.ru

Social network Vkontakte.ru is the largest social network on the Russian Internet, an analogue of Facebook. Its official name is “VKontakte”; it is also called “Contact”, “VK”, “VK”. It doesn’t matter what you call it, the main thing is that people understand you. By the way, due to the fact that a person there is constantly in contact with many people, this site is also called “Contacts”. We will use different options here. In VKontakte you can create your own page, add personal information, photographs, audio and video recordings there. “My VKontakte page” will become one of your places of attraction on the Internet, because everyone wants to keep it in order, admire it, post photos and write cool statuses. In addition, there you can exchange personal messages, join interest groups and invite friends, give gifts and, of course, watch the news feed - it includes everything that your friends have posted on your page, noted or said, as well as all updates in the groups you are in.

Since 2006, VKontakte has been telling people “Welcome! "

How many people are there on VKontakte?

Information from 2019: more than 380,000,000 (380 million) people’s pages are registered on the VK website. Every day more than 80 million people visit the site (these are those who visit the VK site every day). Approximately 65% ​​of VKontakte users are from Russia.

Who invented VKontakte?

Is VKontakte free?

The question often arises: is using VKontakte free? Or not always? How can you find out for sure? Can attackers hide behind the name of this social network and ask for money for entry? This is described in the article “Free VKontakte - for everyone.”

What has changed on VKontakte?

Login to the site - www.vkontakte.ru or vk.com?

Initially, the social network was located at www.vkontakte.ru. Console www- a legacy of the past, now it has become optional. VKontakte subsequently moved to the shorter address vk.com. Therefore, it is often called simply “VK”. The old address also works, but no matter what option you type, there is a risk of making a mistake and ending up on the website of attackers who steal passwords.

To quickly and safely enter the Vkontakte.ru website, “” was created. From here you can enter not only Contact, but also many other popular sites. You can set it as your start page so that you can then access any site with one click.

The site is good for its additional functions. For example, on it you can always see which of your friends is now online, without even going to Contact (but they don’t see you, you remain invisible!), and what events happened there - who put a heart, wrote on your wall, etc. similar. It is very comfortable.

There are tons more great features here. You can find out more about the site.

How to register on VKontakte?

It is very easy. Our easy instructions “Registration on VKontakte” will guide you through all the steps of registration. If you haven't registered there yet, do so and come back here.

« In contact with» is the largest social network on the Runet, as well as the most visited social resource in Russia and the CIS countries.

According to data for September 2012, more than 140 million users are registered on VKontakte. According to statistics from the LiveInternet service, the daily audience is 39 million people (data for September 2012). The social network VKontakte announced its existence in the summer of 2006 - that’s when alpha testing of the project was launched. Already in September 2006, beta testing began, and on October 1, 2006, the domain name vkontakte.ru was registered. However, the official birthday of the popular social network is considered to be October 10, 2006 year, which, by the way, coincides with the birthday of its founder -.

Pavel Durova

Initially, VKontakte positioned itself as a social network for students and graduates of Russian universities - until the end of November 2006, registration on the social network was available to students by invitation. And despite free registration soon opening, the social network was popular mainly among students of St. Petersburg universities for quite a long time. However, in 2007, the popularity of VKontakte increased sharply. Already in February 2008

the project approached the Odnoklassniki social network in terms of traffic, which at that time was recognized as the most visited social resource on the Runet. In January 2009, VKontakte became the undisputed leader among social resources on the Runet and maintains its position to this day.

Some interesting facts about VKontakte:

  • Every day the social network is visited by more than 39 000 000 users.
  • Viewed approximately every day 2 500 000 000 pages.
  • Near 70% visitors live in Russia.
  • 25% visitors from Russia live in Moscow, 13% - in St. Petersburg.
  • More 68% VKontakte users over 25 years old.
  • On VKontakte for every 1000 words users account for 17.2 obscene– this is the largest indicator among social networks on the Runet.
  • In November 2010, the Recording Industry Association of America accused VKontakte of illegally distributing music, placing the resource in second place on its “black list.” In March 2011, US authorities filed charges of piracy against the social network. Russian copyright holders are also not lagging behind - VKontakte regularly receives lawsuits over music and films posted on the social network.
  • In August 2012, activists of the Russian anti-pedophilia movement “Headhunters” asked the leadership of 32 countries to limit access to the social network “VKontakte” due to the large amount of pornography contained on this resource, including child pornography. Representatives of the social network stated that they were not responsible for the content posted by users, however, they still took measures to remove some of the adult materials.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Since the beginning of its existence, the social network VKontakte has achieved such wild popularity that now almost all Runet users have their own VKontakte accounts. The social network is so in demand and the range of people is so wide that here almost everyone can find an interesting conversationalist, business partner and even a friend.

Well, for webmasters this is an extra opportunity to promote their project in this social network using SMO and SMM tools, since search engines are very attentive to social signals and actively take them into account when ranking sites. This will be especially noticeable if you manage to promote your VKontakte group.

Capabilities of the VK network and its place in the world

The VK website was founded by Pavel Durov and was initially positioned as a means of communication for university students and graduates from Russia. However, later the audience began to expand and today users of this part of the Internet space are representatives of almost all walks of life and all ages. In terms of traffic, VK (VKontakte) in the RuNet space is second only to the almighty Yandex, and this says a lot.

Moreover, judging by some signs, the Russian social network, as well as the RuNet mirror, seriously intends to conquer the foreign market. By the way, in this sense, there is a rapprochement with other major world social networks, such as (how to set up), which, apparently, are going to expand into Russian territory. But Twitter, judging by the fact that it has acquired a Russian-language interface (), has already taken the matter seriously.

But there is also one that has its own advantages. For the set, I will also mention the site, which is another large social service on the Russian Internet, which is no less popular.

I, and I think most users, really like the simplicity and convenience of the VKontakte website interface. The social network provides almost all modern capabilities: here you can listen to music, play games, watch videos, and, of course, create pages and communicate with friends. That is, VK seems to me to be a kind of concentration of all the benefits in one bottle.

At first, in today’s article I was going to talk about all aspects, including, as well as numerous other features. However, after thinking about it, I decided to divide the material into several parts, since the publication already promises to be quite monstrous in scope. But let’s move on to a description of how registration occurs in VK, which is surprisingly laconic and pleasant.

"Welcome" page on VKontakte, registration in VK, login to the page

Before moving on to the topic of registration, I’ll add a little fly in the ointment, this is necessary for a complete understanding of the situation. The fact is that the VK website in the world coordinate system occupies a very low position in terms of “purity”, in contrast to, say, Facebook, which in this sense is more respectable.

This is due to the presence in Contact of a huge number of adult pages, with profane language, and accounts created specifically for cheating (fake). VKontakte, or rather the network administration, decided to rectify the situation, and one of the measures was to tighten the registration procedure. At one time, it was possible to register on the VK website only by invitation.

However, apparently, this did not bring the necessary dividends, otherwise how can one explain that everything returned to normal. Moreover, the registration process has become convenient and almost instantaneous. In order to go through it, just go to the “Welcome” page on VKontakte (vk.com - the address of the official website). Follow here, where instant registration in VK takes place:

First you need to enter your first and last name in the appropriate fields and click the “Register” button. Please note that it is possible to log into the VKontakte page using your Facebook account. This is in addition to my thoughts, which I allowed myself at the beginning of the publication, about the rapprochement of the world's giants.

So, registration in Contact begins. After activating the process, you find yourself in the next section, where you can, if you wish, immediately search for your classmates and fellow students in VK. Or you can simply skip these steps and go straight to the “Complete registration” section:

To enhance security, many large and significant services use the user's mobile phone number instead of email identification to confirm registration information or other requests. For example, this method is practiced in the Webmoney payment system. Now even in VKontakte registration is not complete without this. So you have to enter your mobile phone number:

Please note that if you do not live in the Russian Federation, then you must add the code digits of your country before the telephone number itself. However, the VKontakte script itself determines it by IP. After clicking on the “Get code” button, you need to wait for the SMS message, which arrives almost immediately, and having extracted the digital code from the content, enter it in the appropriate form:

Next is “Send code”, after which another form will open, which requires registration on the VK website. In this form you need to enter the super complex password you created. By the way, to save time and at the same time enhance security, use a password storage program that will securely save all passwords.

After these manipulations, which only take a couple of minutes (instant VK registration), you are taken to the official website in VKontakte. There, with the help of a special assistant who will show and tell you everything, you can get acquainted with the main options and capabilities provided in the account.

In the future, you need to log in to VK by entering your VKontakte login and password in the usual way. By the way, as a login, if you haven’t already understood, you need to use your mobile phone number, which was entered when registering on the site. So, below we will log into the VKontakte page to set up your profile.

"My page" in Contact - basic settings

After you have registered and logged into Contact, you can begin editing the basic settings. First, let's go to the "My Page" section, where you need to fill out information about yourself that will in some way characterize you, which is important for communicating with people. To enter information, click “edit.” next to the name of the personal section, several tabs will open, the first of which will be “Main”:

Here, everyone decides for themselves what information to enter that will be displayed on their personal page. In particular, if you do not want to provide information about your full date of birth, it is possible to specify only the month and day for public access. You can enter your first and last name, the first and last names of your loved ones, and their dates of birth.

In the “Contacts” tab, you can optionally indicate your country of residence, mobile and home telephone numbers, your Skype, and a link to your resource. Please note that phone numbers can be hidden with different variations using the links located nearby, when you click on them from the list you can choose whether they will be visible to all users, only you, only your friends, etc.:

Here you can also take advantage of the modern options of the VKontakte network by setting up the export of posts from other social networks. The most obvious example, I think, would be the example of Twitter. Click on the appropriate link “Integration with other services” at the bottom of the form and select the social network from which entries on VKontakte will be exported (in our case, Twitter), after which the window will appear:

Log in to Twitter by clicking the appropriate button, after which you will go to the next window, where the terms of use of the VK.com application will be explained. In order to allow the program access to your account, click “Authorize”:

The next step in setting up export is to check the box and save the settings:

If for some reason you change your mind about using this opportunity, you can immediately refuse by clicking on the “disable” link. However, it is not forbidden to do this later from the same “Contacts” tab. If you agree and decide to use this option, save the settings. As a result, all posts from your Twitter feed will be visible on the VK wall for users who are your readers on the Twitter microblog.

This is especially convenient for those who independently promote their website using SMO optimization methods (promotion on social networks). In the same way, move through the remaining tabs and fill out the forms there in a similar way:

Thus, by carefully and thoughtfully filling out the forms in the tabs of “My Page” on VK, you will greatly facilitate the search for old friends or new acquaintances who are close to you in spirit, life views, habits and worldview.

Yes, I almost missed one important aspect. After all, in order to present yourself in full, so to speak, form, you need to install a photo (or avatar) on your page. I’ll definitely write about how to install it in upcoming publications.

Effective search for people on VKontakte, friends and communication with them

Now let's see how to effectively use, for example, searching for famous people in general or friends in particular. First you need to go to the “People” section from the top menu of VK. To find a person whose last name and first name are not a secret to you, simply enter them into the search field and click “Search”:

If the first and last name are common, you will have to sift through the search data, since the number of results may exceed a thousand. For a more accurate search for VK, use the forms on the right, which exactly replicate those filled out in the section for editing your personal data on “My Page”.

For example, you know the approximate age of a person, indicate it in the desired range, the VKontakte search circle will immediately be reduced several times and you will receive a much smaller list for research. Of course, the more detailed information about the person you are looking for, the more narrowed the search for VK (VKontakte) people will be.

To subscribe to messages from a found person, just click on the link with his name or photo. This way you will be taken to his personal page, where you click the “Add as a friend” button. This will already mean that you are subscribed to his materials and have sent a request to be added as a friend on VKontakte. If you change your mind, click the “Cancel” link:

That's it, it's simple. Of course, it is not a fact that he will add you as a friend; it is up to the person to whom the proposal is made to decide. By the way, here you can take the first step towards communicating on VKontakte. Select the entry you like and take one of the possible actions:

Firstly, you can choose who exactly you want to send the post with your own comments to: all friends and subscribers, community subscribers (in this case you need to enter its name) or one of your VK friends personally. To do this, enter his name or e-mail in the line located just below. In the process of typing a first or last name, a list of all friends will automatically appear below, from which you can select the desired recipient (or even several).

Secondly, you can attach a photo, video or audio recording, or even a document to the message you send. As you can see, the possibilities are enormous.

2. By clicking on the like (the inscription “I like”), behind which there is a picture with a heart, you thereby cast a vote for it. In the same way, any user of the VKontakte network can “vote” for any of your messages. The term likes on VKontakte comes from the English word like - like. To the left of the like is the number of people who shared this post with friends, to the right is the number of people who liked it.

By moving the cursor to the number of people on the left and clicking on the link that appears “Go to the list of shares”, you will receive two lists of real people (those who rated and shared likes), with whom you can also start communicating by getting to their personal page after clicking on the link or photo .

The first tab on the left contains your “All Friends” VK. On the right is a list of possible actions that can be applied to each of the friends (write a message, view this friend’s friends, remove him from memory, or organize lists, one of which this friend will be included in (best friends, relatives, colleagues, friends at university and at school).

On the next tab you can see which people you know are currently online and chat with them. If you go to applications, two more tabs will open in which you can add simple subscribers as VK friends or unsubscribe or cancel your own application:

To write a message on your own or someone else’s “wall”, you also don’t have to be a genius. Enter the cursor into the form where the inscription “What’s new with you?” appears. or “Write a message” (for another user’s “wall”), click on it and make a note:

Please note that here, too, you are allowed to perform a number of additional gestures: attach a photo, video, audio recording and much more to the message, the list of which will open after clicking on the link of the same name in the same registry. Let’s now try to go to the “Messages” section of the personal page in VKontakte:

Here you will receive all the data about all read, new, received and sent messages, which can be viewed in the form of a dialogue or deleted immediately. Here you can also send a new message to any of your friends; to do this, click on the “Write a message” link, enter the required text, indicate the person’s name or e-mail and click the “Send” button.

Well, and finally, the final touch that will round off today’s material. If, beyond your expectations, the question suddenly arises of how to delete a VKontakte page, then here

In order to register and get a personal page (VK profile) you need to complete only 5 steps.

Registration is not possible without:

  • Internet access.
  • Mobile phone.
  • Direct hands.

Step 1. Go to the page http://vk.com. Under “Instant registration” there are two columns “Your name” and “Your last name”, fill in and click the “Register” button.

Step 2. Choose the school where you studied. There are also two columns “Country of school” and “City of school”. We fill it out, the 3rd “School” will appear, write it down, then “year of graduation”, “class”. After filling it out, photos with the names of people we may know will open below. If we know, we add them as friends (get added to friends) and move on.

Step 3. “University country”, “University city”, “University”, if you have studied, fill it out, if not, skip it and click “skip search for classmates”.

Step 4. Link the page to your personal mobile phone. Enter your phone number and click “get code”. After 5 seconds, you will receive an SMS with a 5-digit code on your phone, enter it in the last column (the link is free, it does not withdraw money from your account). After this, enter your personal password. And you are all registered in VKontakte, you have become part of a multimillion-dollar community.

Step 5. Enter your personal page. Upload your photo, edit it, fill in accurate information about yourself and go ahead and communicate with friends, listen to music, watch videos, play apps, and share interesting news.

How to register on VKontakte without a phone number:

VKontakte login to your personal page.

As soon as they are called, everyone’s favorite and also the most popular social network in RuNet: “Contact”, “VK”, “”, “VKontakte”, etc. There can be many names, but the essence is the same, the main page of VKontakte, and the page where you log into VK is located at: http://vk.com or you can go to http://vkontakte.ru, you will still be redirected to it. Good luck!

Users of VKontakte have access to a set of capabilities characteristic of many social networks: create a profile with information about yourself, produce and distribute content, flexibly manage privacy, interact with other users directly, as well as through the mechanism of groups and meetings, track via news feed activity of friends and communities. Interface "VKontakte" and its international version VK.com available in more than 50 languages.

Payment system

According to the creators, the VKontakte payment system should become a serious competitor for projects such as Yandex Money and Webmoney, since the network does not charge users a commission for paying for purchases in online stores, and many stores provide social network users with discounts of 2% or more . Within the framework of the payment system, the “Wish Lists” service and the “Search by Products” catalog have been implemented, actively using the capabilities of this social network. The network provides a large number of ways to top up your ruble account:

Operators and fees charged:

June 2011



Site rating according to alexa.com as of 09/06/2011
A country Place
USA 939


At the end of November, free registration was opened, which required modernization of the server part. At the same time, an advertising campaign was launched to attract new users. The most active promoters were awarded prizes - Apple products: iPod video, iPod nano, iPod shuffle.



VKontakte launched a service "Professional contacts", a special division for finding highly paid employees for financial, legal and IT companies e.

In February, services for opinions and suggestions were launched, a redesigned rating system was introduced with vote validation via SMS, and the site interface became available in Ukrainian. At the same time, according to alexa.com, VKontakte has become the most popular Internet resource in Russia, and in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet the site was second only to Google and Mail.ru.

In March, it was announced that they were working on the internationalization of the resource, the launch of a WAP version of the site and a new video search service, which had accumulated more than 20 million videos at the time of its opening.

In early April, it was announced that more than 10 million people use the network, viewing 600 million pages daily. At the same time, “questions” services were launched, as well as “applications”, which made it possible to add interactive flash programs to the site. A little later, advanced privacy settings appeared.

From June to the end of October, a competition was held among application developers based on the VKontakte API, with the winners, determined every two weeks, receiving an Apple iPhone.

At the end of October, the launch of the “User API VKontakte” project was announced, within the framework of which it became possible to create your own social networks in non-CIS countries.

By the beginning of December, according to independent statistics from LiveInternet, the service was visited by more users than the Odnoklassniki social network.

year 2009

In January, 13.09 million unique Russian users visited the VKontakte website, more than Odnoklassniki. In April, 14.3 million unique users visited the VKontakte website, and 7.8 million visited Odnoklassniki, which is almost 2 times less.

On September 5, VKontakte bought the domain vk.com with the aim of further promotion in the international market. The transaction amount was not disclosed



The liquidation of the payment system will take place in several stages. First, the administration will close the wish service, which allowed the user to choose gifts for himself that his friends could buy for him. However, for another month, users will be able to pay for goods in online stores that are partners of the resource using the internal currency of the social network. Then all online stores will be disconnected from the payment system. The company notes that the closure of the payment system will affect a small number of users (less than 1%). At the same time, users will be able to pay for other services of the social network (targeted advertising, additional functions in games and applications) using payment terminals and bank cards. Thus, at the beginning of June 2011, the VKontakte administration allowed users to link bank cards to accounts on the social network.


For a long time there was no exact information about the owners of the site, which gave rise to rumors. Subsequently, the Vedomosti newspaper, referring to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, published a list of founders of VKontakte LLC, which was registered on January 19, 2007: Vyacheslav (60%) and Mikhail (10%) Mirilashvili (respectively, the son and father of entrepreneur Mikhail Mirilashvili) , Pavel Durov (20%) and Lev Leviev (10%).

In the fall of 2010, in preparation for the IPO of Mail.ru Group (spun off from Digital Sky Technologies) it became known that the company owns 24.99% of the social network. In addition, Mail.ru Group received an option to purchase another 7.5% for $112.5 million, thus valuing the entire company at $1.5 billion.

As of August 2011, according to JPMorgan, the shareholders of VKontakte were Mail.ru Group (39.99%), the Mirilashvili family (40%), Pavel Durov (12%), Lev Leviev (8%). According to other data, Mirilashvili has 42%, and Leviev 6%. .

Subsidiary projects

In frame

"In frame"- public video service launched in October 2007 . At the time of leaving the testing stage, in March 2008, more than 20 million videos were available in the database. The service synchronized information about video files with VKontakte and allowed anyone to view videos of users who opened it with privacy settings for public viewing. The possibility of automatic authorization was available for users of the social network. The service allowed viewing videos in HD quality, limiting its size to 2 GB.
In 2010, the VKadre project was closed and its staff was disbanded.

In state

"In state"- a social network designed to post vacancies and resumes. The site, launched in June 2008 by Pavel Durov and Andrey Urusov, is managed by Professional Contacts LLC. The project quickly gained popularity. Thus, by the beginning of August, more than 600 thousand people had posted their profiles. The explosive growth is due to the fact that the site is closely integrated with VKontakte, whose users can automatically post their profiles. According to the site, at the beginning of 2009, more than 2 million resumes were posted.

The project should contribute to the payback of VKontakte: the profit projected by management in 2009 is 5-10 million. It is expected that these indicators will be achieved through employers who post vacancies for a fee and receive full access to search capabilities. Experts from HeadHunter, the largest recruiting site on the Runet and a competitor to “In the State,” note that with a market turnover of $30 million in 2007, it will be extremely difficult to achieve the stated figures.


In the Union

April Fool's interface "VKontakte" 2008 and 2011 (April 1, 2010 there was a pre-revolutionary style with pre-revolutionary names and words, as well as a brown header instead of blue).


It is widely believed that VKontakte, like some other foreign-language social networks, copies not only the idea of ​​Facebook, but also the design and architecture of the site. It is often called clone English speaking network